When big moments happen, don’t let them pass you by. Celebrate your graduate in a big way with a big, life-changing journey. Let Ker & Downey help you create a trip of a lifetime. We share five of our favorite graduation trip ideas for travel with your young adult.

For the Animal Lover
& Nature Enthusiast

Celebrate your graduation with a safari. Nothing changes a person quite like the solitude and stillness of the African bush. If you have an animal lover or someone that loves nature, then an African safari should be at the top of your list for your grad. While here, get up close and personal with some of our favorite wildlife sanctuaries like Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Nairobi, Kenya, or stay at Jabulani, where you’ll get the opportunity to meet elephants in their rehabilitation program.

graduation trip ideas - graduation safari

For the Outdoorsy

There’s something about being out in nature that does a soul good. Before heading off into the “real world,” get outside on an epic trek — one of the best graduate trip ideas. We love places like Nepal and Bhutan in Asia, or Patagonia and Peru in South America.

trek in Nepal - amankora

Graduation Trip Ideas For the Adventurous

You’ll need a bit more time to spend in the Oceanic countries of Australia and New Zealand. If your graduate is up for an adventure, then take a trip down under. From some of the best snorkeling in the world to some of the greatest high-flying adventures, Australia and New Zealand make the perfect pair.

graduation trip ideas

For the Historian

There is nothing quite like seeing a historic destination for yourself after you’ve spent so much time learning about it. The Colosseum in Rome and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt are just two places that your graduate has undoubtedly learned about. But seeing them in real life… now that’s a life changing graduation trip idea. With your private guide, you’ll be able to get a curated experience based on your graduate’s interests. Ker & Downey can take you behind-the-scenes at the most fascinating places in our history, straight from textbooks to real life.

celebration travel - Egypt luxury travel

For the Conservationist

Now more than ever, young adults want to make a difference. Whether it’s with animal conservation, a community in need, or climate change, this generation wants to give back. Give the gift of a community-based journey so your graduate can get a hands-on experience with local communities all over the world. In Africa, visit animal orphanages to learn why animal conservation matters and what you can do to help. In Central America, be a part of cleaning up the beaches and releasing baby turtles. Or, plan an itinerary with all eco-friendly lodges and sustainable properties seeking to make a difference in our world. Wherever your grad’s heart is, we can build the perfect itinerary just for them.

graduation trip - conservation travel - philanthropy

Graduation Trip Ideas with Ker & Downey

The possibilities to celebrate your grad with a graduation trip are endless. To start planning a graduation journey, contact a Ker & Downey designer. In the meantime, follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more travel inspiration.

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